LiDAR Link Budget
By Olov von Hofsten| One of the most important specifications of a LiDAR is the range. How far can the LiDAR see? This may be the first question one asks. You quickly realize that this depends on a multitude of extrinsic and intrinsic parameters. For the extrinsic parameters, target reflectivity and sunlight illuminance are the [&hell
The Perfect LiDAR – does it exist?
By Olov von Hofsten | As a consultant, I have often been approached by unrealistic requirements from customers, and the LiDAR business is particularly prone to this. Perhaps because the technology is new. A customer often wants: If a customer was to write a specification for a camera system, this would not happen, as there […]
LiDAR Detection Techniques
Since LiDAR has been around for quite some time, I have heard a lot of different names of various detection methods. In practice there are not as many methods of detecting signal as there are names for them so in this post, I will try to sort this out. When it comes to signal transmitting, […]