Many of us depend on imaging optics in our daily life. Our smart phones have advanced optics, laptop cameras take our pictures in online meetings, not to mention our eyes. In order to design imaging optics, you need to have an understanding for the mathematics and physics of optics developed in large part at the end of the 19th century. You also need an understanding of the different manufacturing techniques that are used today. These techniques depend on quality, volume, time and cost.
Eclipse does not have any manufacturing of our own but instead we have a network of suppliers in different parts of the world to best fit your needs. Do you already have a supplier? No problem! At Eclipse we are independent and you are free to use whatever manufacturing part that you wish.
Different manufacturing techniques are associated with different tolerance levels. At Eclipse we know that even if a design delivers a performance nominally in the simulations – the actual performance will depend on what tolerances you can achieve. This is why we spend a lot of time in projects to understand what tolerances can be achieved and if the customer is willing to invest in the associated costs. Otherwise, it is no use optimizing a system that cannot be manufactured.
Here are som examples of imaging optics that we have designed at Eclipse:
For more information on Eclipse offering in imaging optics, contact Lars Rymell, lars.rymell (at)